The Studio
Claymakers has three spacious studios for wheel throwing and handbuilding, plus expanded room for glazing and kilns. We’re equipped with a slab roller, extruders, and plenty of work table space.
During Open Studio Hours, the studio is open to students and open studio passholders for independent work.
Students and renters need to have had prior instruction on proper use of studio equipment. We encourage everyone to take a class prior to pursuing an open studio pass or individual studio rental. While staff may be around and able to answer some questions, please be considerate of their efforts to keep Claymakers running.
Tuesdays 1:00 - 6:00 PM
Wednesdays 1:00 - 6:00 PM
Thursdays 1:00 - 6:00 PM
Fridays 1:00 - 6:00 PM
Saturdays 1:00 - 6:00 PM
Claymakers offers firing on a space-available basis. If you have a small volume of work to fire, simply bring it in during store hours and we will help you evaluate the firing cost. If you need to rent half of a kiln or more, please contact us two weeks prior to the firing for scheduling. Please note that at busy times of the year, we may not be able to accommodate all requests.
All pieces dropped off for firing must be picked up within 30 days.
If you are firing clay that was not purchased at Claymakers, we ask that you identify the type of clay when scheduling a firing.
We encourage experimentation and creativity, but because our kilns are a shared resource, we do not take risks with them. We will not fire foreign material embedded in clay, such as textiles, metals (except nichrome wire), glass, paper, or dry chemicals.
Firing student work is our top priority. Kiln rentals are accepted on a space-available basis, subject to the amount of work needed to be fired for our classes. Firing for outside makers can take up to 2 weeks per firing.
The cost for renting a full, 7 cubic foot electric kiln (bisque + glaze firings) is $150. The cost of a kiln for bisque only is $60. Payment must be made at the time work comes into the studio.
Large sculptural pieces requiring a long pre-heat or lengthy firing program will require additional fees; this will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Our glaze firing cost includes use of studio glazes, if you are familiar with our glazes and glazing techniques. Glazing instruction is not included.
Kiln renters assume responsibility for any kiln damage caused by mistaken identification of a clay’s firing temperature, or for damage to kiln shelves resulting from glaze drips or runs. If your piece melts to the kiln shelf, you may be asked to pay $10 per occurrence. Work must be free of glaze on the bottom.
There are inherent risks in firing work at a community studio, as other people will handle your artwork.
Bisque firing by the piece costs $.03 per cubic inch. Glaze firing by the piece costs $.04 per cubic inch, with a 2-inch height minimum. Minimum cost is $2 per piece.
Greenware is measured, the cubic inches are calculated, and payment is made for firing at the time work comes into the studio.
By firing work at Claymakers, kiln renters assume responsibility for any kiln damage caused by mistaken identification of a clay’s firing temperature, or for damage to kiln shelves resulting from glaze drips or runs. Work must be free of glaze on the bottom.
There are inherent risks in firing work at a community studio, as other people will handle your artwork. -
Our bisque temperature is cone 06, and glaze firings are to Cone 6.
Work must be free of glaze on the bottom. By firing work at Claymakers, kiln renters assume responsibility for any kiln damage caused by mistaken identification of a clay’s firing temperature, or for damage to kiln shelves resulting from glaze drips or runs.
Kiln disassembly / reassembly fee (for large sculptures): $50
Cost, if a single piece melts to a shelf: $10
Cost for extensively damaged half shelf: $44
Cost for extensively damaged full shelf: $86
Claymakers does not currently offer gas kiln rentals or firing by the piece in our gas kiln.
Open Studio Pass
For experienced students who value flexibility and personal exploration, Claymakers offers a limited number of open studio passes per class session. Open studio passes are released for registration alongside classes each session and can be found on our Classes page.
An Open Studio Pass includes the following benefits:
Access to Claymakers’ wheel throwing and sculpture studios during the current class session’s open studio hours (Tuesday-Saturday, 1-6 pm).
25 pounds of clay (glazing + firing included)
Shelf space for storing tools and clay
Please note that our open studio passes do not include instruction or tools. Open studio passholders must have had prior instruction on proper use of ceramic studio equipment and be able to work within our studio independently; we encourage anyone interested to take a class prior to signing up for an open studio pass.
Private Studio Rentals
A limited number of individual studio spaces are available. Artists with individual studios have 24/7 access to their studio space. For more information, or to join the studio waitlist, email info@claymakers.org.
Studio Assistants
Claymakers’ studio assistant program is intended to help community members grow to be independent studio artists by learning studio management skills. In exchange, studio assistants work to maintain the flow of studio operations by cleaning, loading kilns, mixing glazes, and other routine tasks.
Claymakers is committed to increasing equity in the arts and strongly encourages folks from historically underrepresented backgrounds in clay to apply.
To apply, email your completed application to manager@claymakers.org.